1983 Technofond Gießereihilfsmittel GmbH is founded by Albert Fontaine and Horst Thienel in Neuhofen (Pfalz). Both partnersbring inmany years of experienceon thefoundrysector.
1985 Albert Fontaine leaves Technofond Gießerheihilfsmittel GmbH.
1999 Dipl.-Ing. Mark Thienel gets further Managing Director of Technofond Gießereihilfsmittel GmbH.
2003 Technofond Gießereihilfsmittel GmbH moves to the current company building in Harthausen (Pfalz). Since then250 high rackspaces andadequate space forproductionand storageensurea promptand modernorder processing.
2013 Dipl.-Ing. Mark Thienel gets sole Managing Director of Technofond
Gießereihilfsmittel GmbH.
2014 Reconstruction of the storage area, which was completely destroyed due to a gas explosionon a neighboringcompany grounds in 2013, and expansion to 320 high-bay spaces - as
well as the construction of our own laboratory and expansion of the office space.
2023 Dipl.-Ing. Gisela Uebachs appointed authorized signatury.